One-stop financial management
consultation services

Small Funds Manager


Welcome to P11 Managment, your comprehensive solution provider for financial, legal, and AML/KYC consultation services tailored to small fund management. At P11, we offer integrated expertise to support small fund managers in navigating the intricate landscape of finance, regulatory compliance, and risk management. Our dedicated team combines financial acumen, legal insight, and AML/KYC proficiency to deliver personalized solutions that safeguard your fund’s integrity and promote sustainable growth. Partner with us to streamline operations, mitigate risks, and achieve compliance excellence in your fund management endeavors.


P11 management company allows clients to open a fund under our umbrella, which is faster and more cost-effective than creating your own fund from scratch. We offer:

  • Fund opening with all relevant documentation.
  • Communication with regulators and administrators.
  • Bank and broker account opening.
  • Client onboarding and KYC/AML processes.
  • Sales network for capital introduction and fundraising support.


P11 management is committed to investing in multiple sectors, giving clients access to a variety of opportunities to expand their financial assets through:

  • Capital markets (bonds, stocks and derivatives)
  • Real estate development
  • Forestry in the Baltics
  • Green energy and ESG investments
  • Blockhain and Fintech

About Us

P11 Management specializes in providing consultancy services to clients seeking to establish alternative investment funds (AIFs). Leveraging our profound knowledge of alternative investment strategies, we uphold a commitment to excellence, transparency, and client satisfaction. Through personalized investment solutions tailored to specific objectives and preferences, we foster sustainable growth and strive to deliver compelling financial outcomes. Embark on a journey of exploration and prosperity with P11 Management today, and discover the boundless possibilities ahead.

Lembit Lindau

Board Member, Investment

Andra Locika

Board Member,
Compliance / AML

Edgars Koškins

Board Member,
Legal Officer

Maxwell James Mayhew

Portfolio Manager

Small Funds Manager

According to Investment Funds Act § 455 (8) the Financial Supervision Authority shall exercise supervision in the case small fund managers which have registered their activities in the Financial Supervision Authority, only over compliance with the registration obligation and submission of information.

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